Our five physical senses are so powerful; that by observing the world around us with them, we become so convinced our external reality is the only reality that exists. This misleading belief causes us to relentlessly push ourselves to do more and have more, and this is why our physical environment is overflowing with more things than we really need. As a result our inner BEING is left unfulfilled. The inner emptiness that we experience drives us to double up our efforts to do and have more. Less obvious, our inner world is also a true reality. Our inner BEING seeks the deeper fulfillment of peace, ease and calmness. When we are fulfilled within our inner BEING, we want less and need to do less, and ironically attract and have more in our physical world. We develop the presence of mind to more richly enjoy all of what we do and have.
Now let’s slow down and take a moment to be mindful of the following principle. If you are attracted to living this principle, do not try to implement it. Trying causes stress and sets us up to fail, which is counter-productive. Simply put your attention on this principle every day. This principle already resides within each of us. We only have to gently place our attention on this truth to evoke it from within our heart and become aware of it in our daily living.
Current scientific theory supports the idea that our essential nature is non-material and composed of vibrating energy. An example: if there are two pianos in a room and we strike a chord on one, it will cause the other to vibrate the same cord. Our thoughts and actions carry this truth. If we carry love within us, we will attract love to us and if we choose to carry anger or resentment we will attract that as well. When we commit to loving our self and others unconditionally, we will experience over time a life completely void of disturbing relationships and filled with loving ones. This has a great impact on the quality of our personal and business relationships.
To open your heart center with Quan Yin, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably with your back straight. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose while simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Lift your hands up in front of your heart center and create a bowl with your palms facing up. Now spread your fingers apart with the upper parts of your thumbs, upper parts of your little fingers and the base of your palms touching. Visualize holding a blooming lotus flower and open your heart to the fragrance of the imaginary lotus flower and to Quan Yin. Continue breathing and hold this position for three minutes. Keep your fingers stretched as antennas that bring healing energy into your heart.
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