Quan Yin means "one who hears the cries of the world" and personifies the compassion of the Buddha for all who need her assistance. She is the embodiment of the yin principle and is usually represented as a young female deity. Quan Yin has the power to assume whichever form necessary to carry out her vow, which is to lead beings out of suffering. She is often shown holding a vase containing the waters of compassion, the lotus flower of enlightenment or the jewel of three treasures. Quan Yin is also seen with dragons, symbols of fertility, goodness, strength and authority. Dragons are also known as protectors of the faith, keeping watch over temples and even Heaven itself.
To see a Quan Yin Porcelain Drip Fountain statue click on image:
![Beautiful Drip Fountain Porcelain Standing Quan Yin Statues with Dragons.](http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL160_&ASIN=B001MYA4K4&tag=qua082-20)
Beautiful Drip Fountain Porcelain Standing Quan Yin Statues with Dragons.![](http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=qua082-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B001MYA4K4)
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