Higher consciousness is a developed state of consciousness in which the aspects of the mind such as thought, perception and attention are improved, refined and enhanced. The sense of greater awareness of reality is achieved through a higher level of consciousness that is not present in ordinary consciousness.
Impeccable control over one’s mind and will, intellectual and moral enlightenment and profound personal growth are associated with higher consciousness. Transcendence, spiritual enlightenment and union with the divine are also associated with higher consciousness.
Most average and ordinary human beings are only partially conscious because of the character of their untrained mind coupled with the influences of lower impulses and preoccupations. As a result, most of us are considered to be in a waking sleep throughout their daily living.
Within each of us lies the potential to move into and live in higher consciousness throughout our life.
To begin developing higher consciousness, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit with a straight spine. Lift your hands in front of your solar plexus and put your palms together with your fingers pointed away from you. Place both thumbs on the fleshy mound at the bottom of your index finger of the same hand. The bottoms of the hands are touching firmly and your elbows are at your sides. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Focus your attention on Quan Yin and your Third Eye and hold this position for 3 minutes while continuing to breathe.