Sunday, August 22, 2010

Divine Worship With Quan Yin

Blue Sky Quan Yin
Worship is usually an act of religious devotion directed towards someone or something resembling the divine essence of life as a Goddess or God.

A designated person can perform an act of worship individually or in an informal or formal group.

Religious worship can occur in a wide variety of locations: at home or out in the open, such as on the beach, in a park, in a forest, or on private land.

Many religious traditions place an emphasis upon regular worship at frequent intervals, whether daily or weekly.

Expressions of worship vary, but typically include one or more of the following: Prayer, meditation, ritual, chanting, music, dance, religious holidays, festivals, pilgrimage, feasting, temples, shrines, idols or simply private individual acts of devotion.

To begin turning within to practice Divine Worship with Quan Yin, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably with your back straight. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose while simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Place your palms together in front of your chest. While continuing to breathe, sit still and focus on your third eye asking Quan Yin to guide you into your practice of Divine Worship. Practice for at least 3 minutes.

A mantra that can be used to enhance the practice of Divine Worship: Ek Ong Kar (One Creatrix/Creator, Goddess/God is One). Repeat mantra mentally with each exhaling breath.

To see Music for Healing: 
Music for Healing Music for Healing

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Living In Accord With Our Impeccable Truth And Quan Yin

Peaceful Quan Yin
Being true to our self, means we must act in accordance with who we really are.

When we know and love our self, we find it effortless to be true to our self. As the old saying goes…until we love ourselves, we cannot love anyone else. Just as we cannot be true to anyone else until we are true to ourselves.

Pretending to be something we are not for the sake of gaining acceptance by others can have severe repercussions. It takes courage to accept and be our true self and not what others think we should be.  

When we are genuine and reflect our real self by acting in accordance with our fundamental nature, we respect others and ourselves and others also respect us in return because we demonstrate our strength and competence for standing up for our self and our beliefs. We also find happiness within ourselves.

Our individuality and uniqueness is permitted to shine through when we are true to ourselves. We have the ability to respect the opinions of others, but do not conform to their expectations or become stereotypes. Being true to ourselves requires us to be introspective, sincere, open-minded and fair.

Living in accord with our true self means we are not only considerate and respectful of others, but we are selfless and selfish in a healthy manner.

Also, in being true to ourselves we are not defined by what others may or may not think of us and we make decisions for ourselves that are ours to make. It is always best for us to live our life in congruency with our highest values and intention.

To begin seeking your impeccable truth with Quan Yin’s guidance, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit with a straight spine. Place both hands on your knees, palms facing up towards the sky and lightly cupped while holding your fingers together. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Hold this comfortable pose and focus your attention on your third eye and Quan Yin, while enjoying the stillness and peace. Hold this position as long as your wish or time will permit and continuing to breathe.

To see the Crystal Journey Herbal Candle Gift Set click on image:
Crystal Journey Square Herbal Candle Gift Set, Angels Abound Crystal Journey Square Herbal Candle Gift Set, Angels Abound

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quan Yin Can Assist Us In Opening Our Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is known as the 7th chakra. This chakra is associated with the Divine Life Force, Divine Wisdom, Spirit, our Oneness with the Universe, our unity with all that is and spiritual enlightenment. All 6 lower chakras are connected to the life force through the crown chakra.  

When the crown chakra is open we are in alignment with our true Spiritual nature, therefore we are in divine communion with Spirit.

A lotus flower is often used to represent the crown chakra and it is usually pictured in an open position to symbolize the spiritual awakening of an individual. The crown chakra is also considered the unfathomable well of intuitive knowing we can all draw from, if choose to do so.

The color violet or white are associated with the crown chakra and when our crown chakra is open we have the ability to see the bigger picture in the stream of life. As a result we can have healthy discernment and develop impeccable life values and ethics, which not only empower ourselves, but countless others.

To begin opening your crown chakra find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably with your back straight. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose while simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Interlock your fingers while extending your thumbs away from your index fingers; now bring your hands above your head. Remember to keep your thumbs extended towards the back away from your index fingers. Hold this position for one and a half minutes; you will feel the energy pulsating in your thumbs as you continue to keep them extended. Now lower your hands and bring them in front of your heart chakra with your palms facing you. Hold this position for a minute and a half; then relax. Place your attention on Quan Yin asking her guidance in opening your crown chakra.

To see Crown Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl click on image:
8" Crystal Singing Bowl - Crown Chakra -Note 'B'  8" Crystal Singing Bowl - Crown Chakra -Note 'B'