Sunday, June 27, 2010

Seeking Financial Guidance With Quan Yin

Gold Quan Yin
As a result of the current global economical climate there are quite a few people who are experiencing financial challenges right now. When we experience challenges of any kind we are being provided an opportunity to improve our quality of living. With this said, this post will focus on seeking guidance from within with regards to how we feel about money and how we can improve our financial state of being. Here are a few questions to consider:

Why am I financially struggling to make ends meet?
Why do I spend every dollar I earn?
Why do I always let people borrow or take money from me?
How do I succeed at being financially free on a continuous basis?
How can I learn to have respect for money?

If we can relate to one or more of these questions it is time to turn within for guidance to improve our quality of living.

Money is something we all need because we live in a society that revolves around it. When we don’t have enough money we tend to feel we are at a disadvantage or we are inadequate and when we have a lot of money we feel fulfilled and powerful. However, money will not buy love and is not the answer to all of our woes in life. When we realize money is not the answer to the challenges we face in life our life will begin to change for the better. We have been indoctrinated by society to believe money makes us a successful person.

The first step in taking control of our financial life is to question our beliefs about money. Regardless of how much money we earn and accumulate it will never buy us happiness. Happiness is only achieved with a wholesome belief system. As long as we are motivated for the right reasons, we will attract money easily and continuously. However, when we choose to participate in inappropriate activities with regards to money, money will move away from us. BP is a great example of greed at the expense of all life on land, shore and in the ocean. This is why it is important to question our motives and endeavors and consider the outcome of our desires. When we do things that are good for all concerned, we experience positive results that are sustained. It is important to be cognizant money does not discriminate and must be treated with respect like everything else. As the old saying goes, “never take anything for granted” and this includes money.

If we find ourselves always lending or giving our money away to others who we know are taking advantage of us, this maybe an opportunity for us to begin learning how to say “no”. Initially it is hard to say “no”, but we must learn to say it otherwise no matter how much money we receive, there will always be people in our life taking advantage of us. We must never sacrifice ourselves for others and this also means our rewards in life.  A part of becoming stronger within us is learning to say “no”. Life is about being empowered in a healthy manner. To repress ourselves by being what others want us to be is a form of slavery, which permits others to have control over our freedom. The rewards of standing up for ourselves is well worth it. We must hold onto what is rightfully ours and say “no”.

We need to assess our money beliefs because many people believe they will be poor like their parents and because of this incorrect belief they are unable to attract money into their lives. As soon as we replace this erroneous belief within ourselves with knowing we are worthy and deserving of good, we will attract love, happiness and money. There is plenty of money in the world for everyone. We have a tremendous opportunity to correct the inappropriate thinking within us, which separates the rich from the poor. Remember, money is a man-made requirement that has made us all rely on it for our survival.

This is an excellent time to seriously view at our values. If we are in debt we need to see how and why it was created. There are lessons to be learned and now its time to look at our experiences with money and begin change for our financial freedom. Being honest with ourselves will permit us to make empowering changes in our life.

Now that we have reviewed our values and assessed our money beliefs, we are ready to turn within for guidance to transform into empowered and financially free people. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Place your hands together at chest level in front of you as if you are forming a bowl, palms are facing up with your little fingers lightly pressed together. With your eyes focused on the tip of your nose place you attention on Quan Yin while continuing to breathe and ask for guidance to live in freedom.

To see a Kwan Yin Money Talisman necklace click on image:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Quan Yin Supports Life Changes

Quan Yin of Change
Without a doubt most of us are feeling overwhelmed with the current economical and environmental changes we are all experiencing in our lives today.

We can choose to look at the current challenges we are experiencing as an opportunity to take the time to turn within ourselves to find out what matters to us. As we begin to make these discoveries we can begin to move forward in our life and begin our new journey into the infinite opportunities that await us.

Here are a few questions we can ask ourselves to begin this wonderful and magical journey into creating positive and empowering change in our life:

Why am I here?
What is my true purpose of my life?
What is best for me?
What do I want in my new life?
How do I overcome the challenges I face in my life?
How can I live the life I am meant to live?
How can I experience meaning and fulfillment in my life and work?
How can I do work I love and make a satisfying living doing it?
How can I find the time for the things that really matter to me?
How can I experience the success I deserve?
How do I experience impeccable health and wellness?

After taking the time to ask yourself the above questions, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose simultaneously, filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Curl you fingers into fists with your fingers pressing on the upper pads of your hands. Connect the hands with the second knuckle of the left and right index finger and the pads of the thumbs. Comfortably hold your connected hands out in front of your naval with your thumbs slightly pointing upward towards your heart. Focus on a specific question for Quan Yin that is important to you for approximately 3 to 5 minutes and relax, permitting the answer to your question to surface to your conscious mind.

Please Note: This information is not intended to substitute for informed medical advise. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider. A consultation with your health care professional is the proper method to address your health concerns.

To see the Oracle of the Goddess of Compassion, Kuan Yin click on image:
Kuan Yin Oracle: The Oracle of the Goddess of Compassion; Includes 100 Fortune Sticks and s HakerKuan Yin Oracle: The Oracle of the Goddess of Compassion; Includes 100 Fortune Sticks and s Haker

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Finding Mental Balance With Quan Yin

Kuan Yin Peace of Mind
Mental balance is crucial to our wellbeing and how we function in our daily living because the mind is where everything begins. Our attitude towards ourselves determines our attitude towards the world around us, which determines how well we function and interact with others and the earth.

Through the practice of mudras with Quan Yin the mind can be trained to relax and become focused. Mudras broaden the mental faculties; there is a connection between holding a mudra (hand posture) and breathing while placing your attention on Quan Yin.

We were not born to suffer, become ill and die. We are here to learn to live by spiritual truths that govern all life, however to do so requires a keen intellect and strong will, a product of a healthy mind.

As long as one is out of mental balance, there will be worries, sorrows, anxiety, fear and anger. Practicing mudras with Quan Yin can act as purification for our mind and body so we can live in fulfillment of our life’s purpose.

By taking 5 to 10 minutes in the morning and evening on a daily basis to practice the “Mental Balance” mudra with Quan Yin, we can achieve peace of mind and happiness, which is essential for mental and physical health.

To practice the “Mind Balance” mudra, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose simultaneously, filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Place your hands at solar plexus level in front of you and interlace your fingers, palms are facing up, fingers are pointing up and your thumbs are comfortably straight. Close your eyes and focus on Quan Yin’s name and continue to breathe.

Please Note: This information is not intended to substitute for informed medical advise. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider. A consultation with your health care professional is the proper method to address your health concerns.

To see a White Standing Kuan Yin Statue click on image: