Sunday, October 10, 2010

Healing Your Heart Chakra With Quan Yin

green heart in nature
Honest emotions and feeling such as love, joy, compassion and respect all originate form the Heart chakra. The heart is considered the seat of the soul in many cultures and some believe the Heart is the center of one’s true beliefs and ideals.  

It is through the Heart chakra that we feel a connection to others and the world around us. When we are emotionally or spiritually wounded we experience pain that is often referred to as heartache.

For spiritual and emotional healing and wholeness to take place and be maintained the Heart chakra must be given attention and cared for.

Parts of the body influenced by the Heart chakra are the heart, the circulatory system, the lungs and the immune system.

Emerald green and pink are colors associated with the Heart chakra and these colors are used in color therapy for assisting the Heart chakra in healing.

To begin healing your Heart chakra with Quan Yin, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably with your back straight. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose while simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Lift your right hand up at face level and bring your right elbow out to your side.  Make a fist leaving your index finger pointing up towards the sky. Place your left hand on your chest above your left breast; your elbow is parallel to the ground. Hold this position and feel the energy shifting in you body. Hold your elbows high and in a comfortable position. Continue breathing and holding this position for three minutes while visualizing Quan Yin behind you supporting and assisting you in healing your heart chakra and bringing you back into wholeness and balance.
Murano Glass Bead Multi Color Millefiori Flower Heart Pendant Necklace 16''-19'' Murano Glass Bead Multi Color Millefiori Flower Heart Pendant Necklace 16''-19''

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Importance of Uplifting Your Heart With Quan Yin

So much of our attitude about life and our capacity to meet life’s challenges depends on the quality of the relationships we have, especially our relationship with our inner self.  When this relationship goes sour, life tends to feel bleak. The quality of our inner relationship has a powerful effect on our physical and mental balance, as well as our sense of satisfaction in life. It is important to maintain a healthy relationship with our inner self.

Uplifting our hearts is very beneficial for our body, mind and relationships.  Laughter is a great way to lift our hearts. Laughing is free and is highly contagious.

Establishing and restoring positive emotions and a sense of connection with our inner self and others can occur through laughter. Laughing can defuse anxiety and anger.

Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline), dopamine and growth hormone. It increases the level of health enhancing hormones like endorphins and neurotransmitters. Laughing increases the number of antibody-producing cells and enhances the effectiveness of T cells, which translates to a stronger and healthier immune system as well as fewer physical effects of stress. Through laughter physical and emotional releases occur.

A good hearty laugh exercises the diaphragm, contracts the abs and even works out the shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed. Laughing even provides a good workout for your heart.

To begin uplifting your heart with Quan Yin, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably with your back straight. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose while simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Lift your elbows up to shoulder level with your elbows bent and forearms are parallel to the ground. Place your thumbs under your arm pits, keep your finders straight and slide your thumbs towards your heart chakra until the tips of your middle fingers touch each other in the center of your heart chakra. Your hands are above your breasts with palms facing down. As you inhale your middle fingers will move away from each other and as you exhale your middle fingers will meet each other again.  With each inhalation permit the healing energy and Quan Yin to expand your heart and entire chest. Continue breathing and mentally repeat Quan Yin’s name for 3 minutes, then relax.

Please don’t forget to laugh often throughout your day.

Heart Chakra Meditations Heart Chakra Meditations

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Opening Your Heart With Quan YIn

Quan Yin in red lotus
There are seven chakras in our energy body. Each chakra has a specific purpose and is essential for proper balance of our physical, emotional and spiritual health. Our heart chakra is the fourth chakra and it determines our ability to express love to our self and others as well as to forgive, have compassion and empathy, and to build positive relationships.

Our heart chakra is located in the middle of our chest. The heart chakra is the energetic center for all feelings of love. When our heart chakra is open, we experience the healing benefits of unconditional love. Love is true healing.

Some benefits of opening the heart chakra include:
·      A positive outlook on life
·      Allowing love to flow into you and your life
·      Increased self-respect
·      Heightened feelings of compassion
·      Emotional healing from previous negative experiences
·      Healing anxiety and depression
·      Greater appreciation for your loved ones and the world around you
·      Strengthened relationships with family, friends, and co-workers

When our heart chakra is balanced and strong, we possess the qualities of easily letting go of grudges and reaching out to others with compassion from a place of peace and harmony within our self. We are loving, warm, affectionate, accepting, tolerant and equally loving of our self and others.

True healing of emotional wounds comes from our heart chakra. When we open our heart chakra, our true nature will realize we have been holding onto negative feelings that harm our self and others. With this realization, we can begin healing and letting go of unhealthy experiences.

Here are some questions to ask our self to determine if our heart chakra is strong, open and balanced:
·      Are we distrusting without discernment?
·      Are we cold and perhaps aloof?
·      Are we reserved?
·      Do we lack compassion?
·      Do we act heartless?
·      Are we self-centered or selfish?
·      Is our immune system weak?

If you have responded yes to any of the above questions, it is time to open, balance and strengthen your heart chakra.

Even if you currently have a strong, open and balanced heart chakra, it is important not to neglect it. If we do not properly maintain our heart chakra on a regular basis, we will find ourselves acquiring unhealthy negative traits that will not only affect our health, but our relationships with everything. 

Please Note: This information is not intended to substitute for informed medical advise. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider. A consultation with your health care professional is the proper method to address your health concerns.

To open your heart center with Quan Yin, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably with your back straight. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose while simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Lift your hands up in front of your heart center, palms facing up towards the sky with fingers spread apart. The palms and fingers are not touching. Visualize your heart center opening and filling up with a radiant green light and Quan Yin sitting behind you. Continue breathing and hold this position for three minutes. Keep your fingers stretched as antennas that bring healing energy into your heart.

Green Heart Chakra Pendant:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Evoking Your Sacred Scent of Perfume With Quan Yin

Quan Yin above forest

Why would we want to evoke our sacred scent of perfume?

As we go through life we collect fragrance memories, aromas that remind us of special events, of people, of places – smells that are unique to our life story and us.

Often it is difficult to describe or even adequately remember those fragments of fragrances, but just a whiff of one of them will reignite those synapses.

The process of evoking our sacred scent of perfume can bring memories flooding back to us and allow us to combine elements of our life that can assist us in living whole unto our self, permitting us to be fully present and engaged in creating a life of empowerment and fulfillment.

We all love to feel good and when we feel good we attract the good life has to offer us.

Evoking our sacred scent of perfume will guide us in a journey that will bring us greater joy than we can ever imagine.

To begin evoking your sacred scent of perfume with Quan Yin, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably with your back straight. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose while simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Lift your right and left hand between your heart and throat. Keep your palms flat and facing each other. Now make a fist with your left hand and press the top of your left fingers against the palm of your right hand (index finger is resting at the top of the right palm and small finger is at the heal of the right palm). Apply gentle pressure and hold for at least 3 minutes. Continue breathing and mentally repeat Quan Yin’s name.

To see Aromatherapy Oil - Jasmine:

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Living From Within With Quan Yin

Quan Yin in pink lotus flower

Our five physical senses are so powerful; that by observing the world around us with them, we become so convinced our external reality is the only reality that exists. This misleading belief causes us to relentlessly push ourselves to do more and have more, and this is why our physical environment is overflowing with more things than we really need. As a result our inner BEING is left unfulfilled. The inner emptiness that we experience drives us to double up our efforts to do and have more. Less obvious, our inner world is also a true reality. Our inner BEING seeks the deeper fulfillment of peace, ease and calmness. When we are fulfilled within our inner BEING, we want less and need to do less, and ironically attract and have more in our physical world. We develop the presence of mind to more richly enjoy all of what we do and have.

Now let’s slow down and take a moment to be mindful of the following principle. If you are attracted to living this principle, do not try to implement it. Trying causes stress and sets us up to fail, which is counter-productive. Simply put your attention on this principle every day. This principle already resides within each of us. We only have to gently place our attention on this truth to evoke it from within our heart and become aware of it in our daily living.

Current scientific theory supports the idea that our essential nature is non-material and composed of vibrating energy. An example: if there are two pianos in a room and we strike a chord on one, it will cause the other to vibrate the same cord. Our thoughts and actions carry this truth. If we carry love within us, we will attract love to us and if we choose to carry anger or resentment we will attract that as well. When we commit to loving our self and others unconditionally, we will experience over time a life completely void of disturbing relationships and filled with loving ones. This has a great impact on the quality of our personal and business relationships.

To open your heart center with Quan Yin, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably with your back straight. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose while simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Lift your hands up in front of your heart center and create a bowl with your palms facing up. Now spread your fingers apart with the upper parts of your thumbs, upper parts of your little fingers and the base of your palms touching. Visualize holding a blooming lotus flower and open your heart to the fragrance of the imaginary lotus flower and to Quan Yin. Continue breathing and hold this position for three minutes. Keep your fingers stretched as antennas that bring healing energy into your heart.

To see Lotus Flower Hand-Made Incense Holder click on image:
Lotus Flower Hand-Made Incense Holder - Artlab Lotus Flower Hand-Made Incense Holder - Artlab

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Divine Worship With Quan Yin

Blue Sky Quan Yin
Worship is usually an act of religious devotion directed towards someone or something resembling the divine essence of life as a Goddess or God.

A designated person can perform an act of worship individually or in an informal or formal group.

Religious worship can occur in a wide variety of locations: at home or out in the open, such as on the beach, in a park, in a forest, or on private land.

Many religious traditions place an emphasis upon regular worship at frequent intervals, whether daily or weekly.

Expressions of worship vary, but typically include one or more of the following: Prayer, meditation, ritual, chanting, music, dance, religious holidays, festivals, pilgrimage, feasting, temples, shrines, idols or simply private individual acts of devotion.

To begin turning within to practice Divine Worship with Quan Yin, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably with your back straight. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose while simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Place your palms together in front of your chest. While continuing to breathe, sit still and focus on your third eye asking Quan Yin to guide you into your practice of Divine Worship. Practice for at least 3 minutes.

A mantra that can be used to enhance the practice of Divine Worship: Ek Ong Kar (One Creatrix/Creator, Goddess/God is One). Repeat mantra mentally with each exhaling breath.

To see Music for Healing: 
Music for Healing Music for Healing

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Living In Accord With Our Impeccable Truth And Quan Yin

Peaceful Quan Yin
Being true to our self, means we must act in accordance with who we really are.

When we know and love our self, we find it effortless to be true to our self. As the old saying goes…until we love ourselves, we cannot love anyone else. Just as we cannot be true to anyone else until we are true to ourselves.

Pretending to be something we are not for the sake of gaining acceptance by others can have severe repercussions. It takes courage to accept and be our true self and not what others think we should be.  

When we are genuine and reflect our real self by acting in accordance with our fundamental nature, we respect others and ourselves and others also respect us in return because we demonstrate our strength and competence for standing up for our self and our beliefs. We also find happiness within ourselves.

Our individuality and uniqueness is permitted to shine through when we are true to ourselves. We have the ability to respect the opinions of others, but do not conform to their expectations or become stereotypes. Being true to ourselves requires us to be introspective, sincere, open-minded and fair.

Living in accord with our true self means we are not only considerate and respectful of others, but we are selfless and selfish in a healthy manner.

Also, in being true to ourselves we are not defined by what others may or may not think of us and we make decisions for ourselves that are ours to make. It is always best for us to live our life in congruency with our highest values and intention.

To begin seeking your impeccable truth with Quan Yin’s guidance, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit with a straight spine. Place both hands on your knees, palms facing up towards the sky and lightly cupped while holding your fingers together. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Hold this comfortable pose and focus your attention on your third eye and Quan Yin, while enjoying the stillness and peace. Hold this position as long as your wish or time will permit and continuing to breathe.

To see the Crystal Journey Herbal Candle Gift Set click on image:
Crystal Journey Square Herbal Candle Gift Set, Angels Abound Crystal Journey Square Herbal Candle Gift Set, Angels Abound

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quan Yin Can Assist Us In Opening Our Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is known as the 7th chakra. This chakra is associated with the Divine Life Force, Divine Wisdom, Spirit, our Oneness with the Universe, our unity with all that is and spiritual enlightenment. All 6 lower chakras are connected to the life force through the crown chakra.  

When the crown chakra is open we are in alignment with our true Spiritual nature, therefore we are in divine communion with Spirit.

A lotus flower is often used to represent the crown chakra and it is usually pictured in an open position to symbolize the spiritual awakening of an individual. The crown chakra is also considered the unfathomable well of intuitive knowing we can all draw from, if choose to do so.

The color violet or white are associated with the crown chakra and when our crown chakra is open we have the ability to see the bigger picture in the stream of life. As a result we can have healthy discernment and develop impeccable life values and ethics, which not only empower ourselves, but countless others.

To begin opening your crown chakra find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably with your back straight. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose while simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Interlock your fingers while extending your thumbs away from your index fingers; now bring your hands above your head. Remember to keep your thumbs extended towards the back away from your index fingers. Hold this position for one and a half minutes; you will feel the energy pulsating in your thumbs as you continue to keep them extended. Now lower your hands and bring them in front of your heart chakra with your palms facing you. Hold this position for a minute and a half; then relax. Place your attention on Quan Yin asking her guidance in opening your crown chakra.

To see Crown Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl click on image:
8" Crystal Singing Bowl - Crown Chakra -Note 'B'  8" Crystal Singing Bowl - Crown Chakra -Note 'B'

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Moving Into Higher Consciousness With Quan Yin

Quan Yin With Pink Blossoms
Higher consciousness is a developed state of consciousness in which the aspects of the mind such as thought, perception and attention are improved, refined and enhanced. The sense of greater awareness of reality is achieved through a higher level of consciousness that is not present in ordinary consciousness.

Impeccable control over one’s mind and will, intellectual and moral enlightenment and profound personal growth are associated with higher consciousness. Transcendence, spiritual enlightenment and union with the divine are also associated with higher consciousness.

Most average and ordinary human beings are only partially conscious because of the character of their untrained mind coupled with the influences of lower impulses and preoccupations. As a result, most of us are considered to be in a waking sleep throughout their daily living.

Within each of us lies the potential to move into and live in higher consciousness throughout our life.

To begin developing higher consciousness, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit with a straight spine. Lift your hands in front of your solar plexus and put your palms together with your fingers pointed away from you. Place both thumbs on the fleshy mound at the bottom of your index finger of the same hand. The bottoms of the hands are touching firmly and your elbows are at your sides. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Focus your attention on Quan Yin and your Third Eye and hold this position for 3 minutes while continuing to breathe.

To see a Meditation Kit click on image:
Meditation Kit: Traditional Tools to Awaken the Soul Meditation Kit: Traditional Tools to Awaken the Soul

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Developing Your Spiritual Vision With Quan Yin

Third Eye Quan Yin
The All-Seeing-Eye symbol is part of Earth’s creation mythologies and mysteries. This symbol has been passed down through ancient teachings and is found on the American dollar bill.

This spiritual eye is known as the Third Eye, which is the pineal gland and its function has long been recognized by humanity. The Third Eye is located in the center of the face just above the brow line and is the organ of spiritual vision, and is intimately related to karma.

As we become more spiritual in the natural course of evolution we become connected to both the physical and spiritual worlds simultaneously. The Third Eye is considered the highest and most powerful source of ethereal energy available to humans.

When activated the Third Eye becomes the direct line of communication with the higher ethereal planes. Prana, pure life energy is received through this center.

Imagination, visualization and intuition are only achieved through the development of the Third Eye. Until the Third Eye is open the knowledge and memory of the astral plane is unavailable to full waking consciousness.

Consciousness is raised from an emotional nature into an illumined awareness only when the Third Eye is lifted from dormancy. As soon as our sense of ego and personality are set aside and we keep our mental energy intact, we become “conscious” of the non-physical, our inner self and the subconscious.

To begin developing your Third Eye find a quiet and comfortable place to sit with a straight spine. Connect your thumbs and index fingers forming a circle and stretch the rest of your fingers. Rest the back of your hands on your knees with your open palms and facing up. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Focus your attention on Quan Yin and your Third Eye and sit in complete stillness for 5 to 15 minutes while continuing to breathe.

6th Chakra Oil: 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Finding Your Talent With Quan Yin's Guidance

Quan Yin Wood Carving
Every one of us is born with talent and it is our ability to bring talent or talents into the physical that makes us very unique.

Talent has a different meaning for everyone. Some people define talent as being able to sing like Lady Gaga to attract large crowds of people and earn a vast amount of money. This incorrect definition of talent has become harmful to everyone because it overlooks the equal ability of talent, which lies within us all.

A challenge most people experience with talent is not being able to identity their particular talent or talents they are able to bring through and share with the world.
Most of us feel lost and consequently sense we don’t know what we should be doing with our life. Experiencing these feelings of being lost and unfulfilled are signs we have yet to discover our specific ability and how it will be of service to the world.
There is no need for worry because it is very difficult to impede talent from being expressed. If you cannot see the visible signs of what you are good at, there people around you who will point them out to you.
Many of us do not appreciate our talent(s) because we often take them for granted. A task we find so easy and natural to carry out may be difficult for others to consider, therefore we must learn to be grateful for our special talent(s) and incorporate them into our daily living.
It is important for each of us to find our extraordinary abilities and talents and to express them. By doing so we will achieve oneness with ourselves and live in fulfillment. Life will flow smoothly and the things that previously kept failing in our life will begin to work out or will easily fall away from us.
Denying our talents and abilities will only lead us to a life of pain because we are choosing to block the natural flow of life within us by stopping a very special energy that can only express itself into the physical through us.
We can begin seeking our exceptional talent(s) by practicing the “Powerful Insight” mudra and asking Quan Yin to guide us into allowing our abilities to be expressed through us.
When you have time, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Bend your elbows and raise your hands in front of your navel. Make a soft fist with your left hand and place it into the palm of your right hand. The back of the left hand is resting in the right hand. Your left thumb is crossed over your right thumb. Concentrate on your third eye while placing your attention on Quan Yin and continuing to breathe, ask for your talent to be revealed to you and/or guidance to express your talent in your daily living. Hold this focus for three minutes.

To see: 
Natural Green Jade with Silver "Guan Yin" Buddha Sterling Silver Pendant with Rhodium Plated - with 18" Italian Sterling Silver Chain  Natural Green Jade with Silver "Guan Yin" Buddha Sterling Silver Pendant with Rhodium Plated - with 18" Italian Sterling Silver Chain

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Seeking Financial Guidance With Quan Yin

Gold Quan Yin
As a result of the current global economical climate there are quite a few people who are experiencing financial challenges right now. When we experience challenges of any kind we are being provided an opportunity to improve our quality of living. With this said, this post will focus on seeking guidance from within with regards to how we feel about money and how we can improve our financial state of being. Here are a few questions to consider:

Why am I financially struggling to make ends meet?
Why do I spend every dollar I earn?
Why do I always let people borrow or take money from me?
How do I succeed at being financially free on a continuous basis?
How can I learn to have respect for money?

If we can relate to one or more of these questions it is time to turn within for guidance to improve our quality of living.

Money is something we all need because we live in a society that revolves around it. When we don’t have enough money we tend to feel we are at a disadvantage or we are inadequate and when we have a lot of money we feel fulfilled and powerful. However, money will not buy love and is not the answer to all of our woes in life. When we realize money is not the answer to the challenges we face in life our life will begin to change for the better. We have been indoctrinated by society to believe money makes us a successful person.

The first step in taking control of our financial life is to question our beliefs about money. Regardless of how much money we earn and accumulate it will never buy us happiness. Happiness is only achieved with a wholesome belief system. As long as we are motivated for the right reasons, we will attract money easily and continuously. However, when we choose to participate in inappropriate activities with regards to money, money will move away from us. BP is a great example of greed at the expense of all life on land, shore and in the ocean. This is why it is important to question our motives and endeavors and consider the outcome of our desires. When we do things that are good for all concerned, we experience positive results that are sustained. It is important to be cognizant money does not discriminate and must be treated with respect like everything else. As the old saying goes, “never take anything for granted” and this includes money.

If we find ourselves always lending or giving our money away to others who we know are taking advantage of us, this maybe an opportunity for us to begin learning how to say “no”. Initially it is hard to say “no”, but we must learn to say it otherwise no matter how much money we receive, there will always be people in our life taking advantage of us. We must never sacrifice ourselves for others and this also means our rewards in life.  A part of becoming stronger within us is learning to say “no”. Life is about being empowered in a healthy manner. To repress ourselves by being what others want us to be is a form of slavery, which permits others to have control over our freedom. The rewards of standing up for ourselves is well worth it. We must hold onto what is rightfully ours and say “no”.

We need to assess our money beliefs because many people believe they will be poor like their parents and because of this incorrect belief they are unable to attract money into their lives. As soon as we replace this erroneous belief within ourselves with knowing we are worthy and deserving of good, we will attract love, happiness and money. There is plenty of money in the world for everyone. We have a tremendous opportunity to correct the inappropriate thinking within us, which separates the rich from the poor. Remember, money is a man-made requirement that has made us all rely on it for our survival.

This is an excellent time to seriously view at our values. If we are in debt we need to see how and why it was created. There are lessons to be learned and now its time to look at our experiences with money and begin change for our financial freedom. Being honest with ourselves will permit us to make empowering changes in our life.

Now that we have reviewed our values and assessed our money beliefs, we are ready to turn within for guidance to transform into empowered and financially free people. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose simultaneously filling your belly and chest. Exhaling slowly through your mouth empting your chest and belly at the same time. Place your hands together at chest level in front of you as if you are forming a bowl, palms are facing up with your little fingers lightly pressed together. With your eyes focused on the tip of your nose place you attention on Quan Yin while continuing to breathe and ask for guidance to live in freedom.

To see a Kwan Yin Money Talisman necklace click on image: